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asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

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asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

Miki Tebeka
6 posts

I'm uploading book generated by asciidoc-pdf to KDP, in the preview there are several errors:

- You chose 6.0" by 9.0" trim size but your interior file was submitted at 8.26" by 11.68"
- Insufficient gutter. Books with with 87 pages require at least 0.375" for the gutter (inside margin) and at least .25" for the outside, top and bottom margin
- This object is outside the margins (about a code listing)

Is there a style ready for book print? Or any option I'm missing ?

Miki Tebeka | miki@353solutions.com | @tebeka
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Re: asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

2681 posts
I'm not aware of one, though I'd be happy to accept a theme that extends default with these modifications to be included in the gem.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 10:22 AM Miki Tebeka [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm uploading book generated by asciidoc-pdf to KDP, in the preview there are several errors:

- You chose 6.0" by 9.0" trim size but your interior file was submitted at 8.26" by 11.68"
- Insufficient gutter. Books with with 87 pages require at least 0.375" for the gutter (inside margin) and at least .25" for the outside, top and bottom margin
- This object is outside the margins (about a code listing)

Is there a style ready for book print? Or any option I'm missing ?


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

18 posts
How did you get specific errors from KDP Print? I just got a cyptic error message:

Error processing interior
There was a problem processing your interior.
Please check your file and try again.

Greg Turnquist (@gregturn)
Author of Darklight and Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3
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Re: asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

18 posts
To wrap up my own part of this thread (and perhaps to answer the original Op's question),

I talked to KDP on the phone. Engineering support got back and told me the PDF file had "transparencies". Recommendations were to:

A) NOT overwrite previous instances of the same file. Instead, create a fresh, new file.
B) Remove "transparencies" from the file.

I tried (A), even though it felt like a long shot. No change. Still failed, after upload, to process the file.

For (B), after much searching, I decided to open the PDF inside LibreOffice Draw and "Export Directly to PDF". File size was about 65% smaller than original. Uploaded it to KDP Print. A minute later, it was successful!

It appears they want VERY simple PDF files and won't do it themselves. So you must.
Greg Turnquist (@gregturn)
Author of Darklight and Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3
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Re: asciidoctor-pdf style for KDP print book?

18 posts
Okay, looks like LibreOffice, when it opens a PDF file, does NOT show admonition icons properly. Not sure why. But suffice it to say, that flattening THAT WAY is not very effective if it can't even see those.

More digging, and it appears that "Print to PDF" from your favorite PDF Viewer is a thing that ALSO flattens. So I'm checking this out.

I went ahead and opened https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/issues/1684 to either add flattening to the tools, or at least document this key phase of KDP Print publishing.
Greg Turnquist (@gregturn)
Author of Darklight and Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3
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