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Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

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Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

70 posts

the last few weeks have seen the release of asciidoctor 1.5.5 and asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13.

I'd like to plan to release the Java counterparts and we have some open points to decide before doing so.

Issues to consider are that asciidoctorj-pdf will rely on JRuby and therefore Java 7 while we imo want to stick with JRuby 1.7.25 for asciidoctorj.
That's why asciidoctorj-pdf is to be extracted into an own repository asciidoctor/asciidoctorj-pdf instead of being hosted as part of the asciidoctor/asciidoctorj repo.

Imo the action list looks like this:
- Transfer robertpanzer/asciidoctorj-pdf to the asciidoctor org.
- Publish the asciidoctorj-1.5.5.jar depending on jruby-complete 1.7.25 and therefore having target platform Java 6
- Publish the asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13 .jar depending on jruby-complete and therefore having target platform Java7
- Publish the asciidoctorj-1.5.5 distribution containing the new jars and jruby- and therefore targeting Java 7.

@mojavelinux: Are you ok to transfer the repo robertpanzer/asciidoctorj-pdf to the asciidoctor org?

Is everybody ok with this approach?

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Re: Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
I think this is a good plan!

Thank you for all the work you do for the Asciidoctor(j) community.
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Re: Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

242 posts
In reply to this post by Robert.Panzer
The second and fourth point confuse me. Will 1.5.5 have a Java6 and Java7 version?
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Re: Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

70 posts
Yes, I was a bit unclear.

So the published asciidoctorj-1.5.5.jar would still have the target Java 6 and depend on JRuby 1.7.x.
There's only one asciidoctorj-1.5.5.jar available.

The distribution however should contain a new asciidoctorj-pdf and therefore the distribution would switch to Java 7 as target platform meaning it would contain:
- the normal asciidoctorj-1.5.5.jar, which is still compiled for Java 6
- the new asciidoctorj-pdf-1.5.0-alpha.13.jar which would require a JRuby
- jruby-complete-, because asciidoctorj-pdf requires it.

So when embedding asciidoctorj 1.5.5 alone it would still work as before.
Only when using the distribution Java 7 would be required, but therefore the latest and greatest asciidoctorj-pdf would work without having to fiddle with updating jars manually.

Is that a bit clearer?


P.S.: I am still unsure if I should add a runtime dependency from asciidoctorj-pdf to jruby-complete as asciidoctorj 1.6.0 depends on jruby instead of the complete version.
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Re: Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

242 posts
In reply to this post by Robert.Panzer
Clear now, thanks!
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Re: Todo: Publish AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 & asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13

70 posts

If you or anyone else has other ideas I'd certainly like to discuss them!