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Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

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Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
Rust is a system programming language that will probably supersede C/C++. Their JavaDoc like documentation language called "RustDoc" and is based on Markdown-syntax.

Now the Rust community searches a successor for Markdown and discusses alternatives e.g. reStructuredText and AsciiDoc(tor), ...

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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

2681 posts
Thanks for sharing. That thread is a useful collection of criticisms of ReST, which we can consider when thinking about how to make AsciiDoc more approachable and flexible. It tells us what is important to writers.

- ReST is very picky and structured, unlike Markdown, and will break things in weird ways if you don't use three spaces in exactly the right place. 
- Directives can behave strange and still often leave me unsure why my link isn't working. 
- Title syntax is more annoying than Markdown (and more picky; title underlines only - and they have to be the same exact length as the phrase above them).
- Most implementations of ReST I've seen do a very bad job of telling you where and why your ReST is not working. Mostly, they just give you some semi-broken output.

For me, the key is consistency. It's important that the syntax for an image is the same as for a video and is the same as for a link. Once you get the pattern in your head, you know it works everywhere. Same for delimited blocks, etc. There are still some inconsistencies in AsciiDoc, but they can be addressed.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 2:04 PM, getreu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Rust is a system programming language that will probably supersede C/C++. Their JavaDoc like documentation language called "RustDoc" and is based on Markdown-syntax.

Now the Rust community searches a successor for Markdown and discusses alternatives e.g. reStructuredText and AsciiDoc(tor), ...


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
In the discussion, I like this post:

dch wrote
While I'm not a rust contributor I did implement Apache CouchDB's documentation and I learned a few things that might be helpful to you.
Most important is to be clear what you're trying to achieve. - you've got a book, a website, cargo - all of these have Requirements. You will need to compromise, so rank and score these. And make a timely decision.
1. What functionality is needed?
    o markdown has limited advanced document functionality
    o are cross-document references important?
    o do you need to extend the syntax?
    o do you need the same format across book, website, crates, stdlib?
2. Who is expected to write 90% of the docs? Does this tool/process make this really easy for them?
3. How easy is it for occasional contributors to send in something? Over time this is equally important.
4. Do you need a native toolchain today for this? I'm sure you'll end up writing your own eventually in Rust of course!
I would replace Point 4 with something like: does the doc-build integrate well with your existing setup, is the team familiar with the technology stack used by the doc-engine.

Answers to those questions is why we have chosen asciidoctor.

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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
I am Rust developer and I'd love to see Asciidoc(tor) in there.

I think it is a good moment for some lobbying. Thank you for your expertise.
I will collect your arguments and share them there. (This week-end).
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

26 posts
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:56:07AM -0700, getreu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote:
> I am Rust developer and I'd love to see Asciidoc(tor) in there.
> I think it is a good moment for some lobbying. Thank you for your expertise.
> I will collect your arguments and share them there. (This week-end).

Then you may find the reason for KiCad docs went to asciidoc also interesting ...


it is a bit outdated though...


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.


 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364


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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
I posted some arguments for Asciidoc(tor). Please feel free to complete.

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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

2681 posts
Keep in mind it's possible to add support for the Markdown link syntax using an inline macro extension.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:44 PM, getreu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I posted some arguments for Asciidoc(tor). Please feel free to complete.


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
I forwarded your comment.
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
I started a new thread Rustdoc: Asciidoctor vs Markdown. Please contribute there with your experience!
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
@mojavelinux : Steve Klabnik is one of the Rust core team members at Mozilla:


[quote="steveklabnik, post:6, topic:4161, full:true"]
I'm not totally opposed to some sort of pluggable renderer for rustdoc, but I'm not sure who's gonna be willing to do the work, or how it'd work.
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts
Is anybody aware of a recent comparison between RestructuredText and Asciidoctor we could post to the above discussion?
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

24 posts
If RustDoc is anything like JavaDoc, I'd heavily suggest checking out our Asciidoclet project:


This was a super easy adaptation of Asciidoctor which has full access to the rich ecosystem of plugins.  I love the ability to write inline UML and formatted code snippets with the minimal syntax requirements of Asciidoctor.
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Re: Rust-lang community searches a successor for Markdown

37 posts

I forwarded you suggestion.