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Maths equations

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Maths equations

It is great to see this is being added, but it is not clear to me if I give someone an html file how this will work?

1.  Does it calls out to mathjax to get the rendered version so it you don't have internet access you have missing equations?
2.  Is the equation baked in at html generation time by calling out to mathjax on the internet?
3.  Is the equation baked in at html generation time by calling out to mathjax stored locally, much in the same way that coderay is used?
4.  Is the equation rendered when viewing the html file, but mathjax is included in the html file?

I think (3) would be my preferred option and (1) the worst for me.



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Re: Maths equations


Hey Dave!

For the initial code merge, I took the approach of loading mathjax from the CDN (remote URL), which loads and interprets the equations when the HTML is viewed.

Prior to the 1.5.0 release I do plan to make the URL configurable so you can load it from a relative file (local or on the same server as the HTML). What's holding that up at the moment is a design issue to make attributes for resources consistently named.

See the following issue for details or to provide feedback:


Down the road I foresee using mathjax at processing time to bake the equations to SVG or images. That will be necessary for PDF output anyway. Lots of improvements still to make!


On Nov 5, 2013 3:35 AM, "daveb [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
It is great to see this is being added, but it is not clear to me if I give someone an html file how this will work?

1.  Does it calls out to mathjax to get the rendered version so it you don't have internet access you have missing equations?
2.  Is the equation baked in at html generation time by calling out to mathjax on the internet?
3.  Is the equation baked in at html generation time by calling out to mathjax stored locally, much in the same way that coderay is used?
4.  Is the equation rendered when viewing the html file, but mathjax is included in the html file?

I think (3) would be my preferred option and (1) the worst for me.



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Maths equations & asciidoctor-backends

In reply to this post by daveb
Any pointers to what I can do to add support to the 'deck,js' backend for this?
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Re: Maths equations & asciidoctor-backends


It's only a prototype at this point, but you can use the Mathoid extension that I developed for the EPUB3 backend.

This extension runs PhantomJS as a server and MathJax as a local web service to convert the math to SVG.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 1:49 AM, ysb33r [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Any pointers to what I can do to add support to the 'deck,js' backend for this?

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