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How to create a subtitle for a level 0 heading?

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How to create a subtitle for a level 0 heading?

46 posts
What I would like to do is create a subtitle for a book. For instance

     Agile Documentation
     Leveraging the power of Asciidoctor

Just doing

  = Agile Documentation
     Leveraging the power of Asciidoctor
  :doctype: book

will not work.
Is there any way by which this possible at present?
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Re: How to create a subtitle for a level 0 heading?

2681 posts
I have good news. Asciidoctor has support for this use case!

What you are looking for is the colon delimiter. Asciidoctor splits the title on the *last* colon in the title. At present, Asciidoctor doesn't show the subtitle on a separate line in the HTML backend, but it does put the subtitle inside a <subtitle> element in the docbook backend and renders it on a separate line in the epub3 backend. Support for the subtitle is planned for Asciidoctor PDF, but not yet implemented.

= Agile Documentation: Leveraging the power of Asciidoctor 
:doctype: book 

In the future, we plan to make subtitle support even more sophisticated, but this should get you what you need for now.

Note that Asciidoctor 1.5.0 also introduced an API for extracting the primary title and subtitle. See the following line of code:

This feature is not yet documented in the user manual. (See https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org/issues/297)



On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:20 AM, ysb33r [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
What I would like to do is create a subtitle for a book. For instance

     Agile Documentation
     Leveraging the power of Asciidoctor

Just doing

  = Agile Documentation
     Leveraging the power of Asciidoctor
  :doctype: book

will not work.
Is there any way by which this possible at present?

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Re: How to create a subtitle for a level 0 heading?

46 posts
Awesome. I actually found out last night about it when going through the asciidoctor-pdf issue list