Custom style description lists

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Custom style description lists

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I'm trying to achieve the following:

italic, constant, constant-italic, constant-bold description list

I'm unable to remove boldness and reconcile constant and italic like `_E_`.

It is only one description list in the book so I can change it to something else if it is impossible to remove boldness. But I really need constant + italic.


`constant simple`

`_constant italic_`
Hmm... Seems like I need to use another font for fixed-width fonts.
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Re: Custom style description lists

This appears to be PDF output. In the default theme for Asciidoctor PDF, the italic style for monospace is mapped to a lighter font weight since the bundled monospaced font (M+ 1mn) does not support italic. So the text is italic. It just doesn't appear that way.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 5:23 PM Harmyder [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm trying to achieve the following:

italic, constant, constant-italic, constant-bold description list

I'm unable to remove boldness and reconcile constant and italic like `_E_`.

It is only one description list in the book so I can change it to something else if it is impossible to remove boldness. But I really need constant + italic.

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