In House of Cards, the lead character reflects on a quote by Franklin Roosevelt (32nd president of the United States). The point may be bad politics, but it sets a great tone for an open source project, particularly Asciidoctor. While I realize it's a bit gaffe to quote a television show, I'll take inspiration from wherever it wants to come :)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt ushered in an era of hope and progress when he proposed the New Deal. And at the time, his reforms were considered radical. But he once said, "This country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. And if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." Roosevelt would have understood better than anyone the necessity for trying something different. The New Deal succeeded for many years, but we must now try something newer before it fails us*.
(emphasis mine).
Let's keep trying things, for without try, there is no succeed!
* The United States government probably does need to try something different, but let's leave politics for the pub :)