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Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...

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Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...

Hey all,
I'm rather new at ASCIIDoc and have run into a little snag. I've read a lot of documentation and can't find the answer I'm looking for. I have a rather long how-to doc with embedded images. Most of the images work fine, but the ditaa image created in the doc just renders a PNG and a CACHE file, but the output ditaa image in the HTML file looks unrendered.

Does anyone know the asciidoc command I use to render the image so it's INSIDE the HTML document? Thanks!
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Re: Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...

Hi and welcome :)

From your message I understand that the diagram's image are correctly generated but not included in the HTML.
In order to see if I can identify where the problem is, I'd like to ask you for some more information about how are you rendering the file:
· Is it directly on ruby or using asciidoctorj?
· Through gradle/maven maybe?
· What parameters are you passing?

Finally, if possible...the diagram that is failing.


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Re: Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:59 PM, abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Finally, if possible...the diagram that is failing.

That's what came to mind when I read “unrendered”.

Could you share the unrendered image so that we can see what you see, GonzoJohn?

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Re: Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...

Thanks for the quick replies. Basically, I've installed Ruby and installed asciidoctor diagram from Ruby. It performed some installation and I assumed I was ready to go. Within the document, I have this:

The document was created by a co-worker whose gotten pretty proficient with asciidoctor. I've even written a few basic ones myself. However, I've never used ditaa. I tried the basic asciidoctor rendering command from the command line with no parameters. That's probably where I'm missing something.
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Re: Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 3:21 PM, GonzoJohn [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I tried the simpy asciidoctor rendering command from the command line with no parameters. That's probably where I'm missing something.

You need to enable the Asciidoctor Diagram extension when you run Asciidoctor:

 $ asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram your-document.adoc

Does that work out for you?

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Re: Rendering ditaa image into HTML file...

This post was updated on Mar 09, 2015; 2:23am.
Great! Thanks for the quick replies guys. That did the trick. :)