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Wrapping each line of verse in a <span>? [Rime of the Ancient Mariner]

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Wrapping each line of verse in a <span>? [Rime of the Ancient Mariner]

I have a fork of the Project Gutenberg copy of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
The format is a simple text file of the poem.
I've been looking around at markup formats, and I really like asciidoc.
So I'm porting *Rime* to asciidoc.

With a couple of hours of doc reading, I was able to make a really great looking rendered html copy of the poem.  
The source is on github automatically rendered into also pretty nice looking html.

I'm looking for some advice about how to correctly tag for verse in asciidoc.  
The book is broken into 7 sections with `== PART THE NTH`.
Then I wrap the internal text with:

    ... text

Does this sound like the right semantic markup?

Separate question, how should I extend verse block rendering to:
   - wrap each line with a span.line
   - wrap each paragraph break with p.stanza

My understanding is I should probably make a new backend (template?) like this  erb html verse parser from asciidoctor-backends?

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Re: Wrapping each line of verse in a <span>? [Rime of the Ancient Mariner]

I prefer this solution:


Of course if there is a complicated format, this won't work.
But the idea is to define [verse] so that "inside" it you do
not have to do anything.  See, for example,

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Re: Wrapping each line of verse in a <span>? [Rime of the Ancient Mariner]

Any of these are equally correct:





As you suggested, the most convenient way to custom the output is to supply a custom template. I much prefer haml or slim over erb because it's more human readable.

Here's an example of how you would accomplish your two goals.

First, create the file verse.html.slim:

.verseblock id=@id class=role
  - if title?
    =content.gsub(/^.+$/, '<span>\0</span>').gsub(/(.+?)(?:\n\n|\Z)/m, %(\n<p class="stanza">\\1</p>))
  - attribution = (attr? :attribution) ? (attr :attribution) : nil
  - citetitle = (attr? :citetitle) ? (attr :citetitle) : nil 
  - if attribution || citetitle
      - if citetitle
      - if attribution
        - if citetitle
        | &#8212; #{attribution}

The key line is the one containing the gsub calls. The first gsub wraps a <span> around any non-blank line. The second gsub wraps a <p class="stanza"> around contiguous lines (i.e., lines in a single stanza).

Put the file verse.html.slim in a folder named templates (or whatever you want to call it), then invoke Asciidoctor as:

 $ asciidoctor -T templates rime.adoc

Make sure you the slim, tilt and, optionally, thread_safe gems:

 $ gem install slim tilt thread_safe

Good luck!


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 10:25 PM, jxxcarlson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I prefer this solution:


Of course if there is a complicated format, this won't work.
But the idea is to define [verse] so that "inside" it you do
not have to do anything.  See, for example,


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