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Using slim include in a template

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Using slim include in a template

I'm trying to remove template markup/code duplication in the reveal.js template and I tried to use the slim include directive: https://github.com/slim-template/slim/blob/master/doc/include.md

I wasn't able to make it work. Asciidoctor would crash with:

Failed to load AsciiDoc document - 'include_slide_section.html.slim

Should it work? How should I proceed?
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Re: Using slim include in a template

I use includes in the Asciidoctor Bespoke converter, so you should be able to cheat off of that.

If you point me to a branch, I can investigate.

(Note that 'slim/include' is automatically loaded by Asciidoctor's template converter).

By default, Slim will resolve the path relative to the current directory. However, I wanted to be able to take this further, so I added additional load paths to the Slim configuration. I still think the Reveal.js converter should follow in the footsteps and subclass the composite converter. It will open up a lot of doors and make packaging possible.



On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 9:20 PM, obilodeau [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm trying to remove template markup/code duplication in the reveal.js template and I tried to use the slim include directive: https://github.com/slim-template/slim/blob/master/doc/include.md

I wasn't able to make it work. Asciidoctor would crash with:

Failed to load AsciiDoc document - 'include_slide_section.html.slim

Should it work? How should I proceed?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Using slim include in a template

In reply to this post by obilodeau
Reveal.js Slim templates are based on HTML5 Slim templates, before major refactoring. IIRC the generated markup of generic HTML5 template and reveal.js is very similar. Thus I’d suggest to start with HTML5 Slim templates, which are already cleaned and deduplicated, and modify them for reveal.js. It’d be IMO easier way, without reinventing the wheel.