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The table I create has no border or frame, attach the code to create the table, could someone help me??????????????????

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The table I create has no border or frame, attach the code to create the table, could someone help me??????????????????

Here is the adoc code:
[width="80%", cols="1,1,1,1,1",frame="all", grid="all"]
| Attribute Name

| Client?

| Server?

| Allowed Values

| Attribute Description

| type

| Y

| Y

| client, server

| Determines whether the connection factory is a client or server.


Here is the effects of the table, it has no boder, what's wrong?

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Re: The table I create has no border or frame, attach the code to create the table, could someone help me??????????????????

How did you execute Asciidoctor? Did you run:

 $ asciidoctor table.adoc


Or are you running it through some other interface?