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Renaming project URLs on asciidoctor.org

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Renaming project URLs on asciidoctor.org

I'm planning to rework the URLs for Asciidoctor projects on asciidoctor.org so they follow patterns that are easy to remember. Specifically, I'm going to use the same name as the GitHub repository. For documentation "start" pages, the pattern will be:

<a href="http://asciidoctor.org/docs/%project%">http://asciidoctor.org/docs/%project%

For instance, the new URL for AsciidoctorJ is:

In some cases, I'll setup a redirecting alias when it makes it easier to remember. For AsciidoctorJ, I have a redirect the previous URL from:

Though we don't have time to do it yet, we'll also setup project dashboard pages like you see on the FaceBook open source (https://code.facebook.com/projects/) and Netflix open source (http://netflix.github.io/#repo) pages. To use AsciidoctorJ as an example again, we'll have:

If you have any input on this layout, feel free to share!


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Re: Renaming project URLs on asciidoctor.org

You really should setup redirects for anything you're changing. People have bookmarks you don't know about, and you don't want to lose any seo you already have. 

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On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 3:12 AM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm planning to rework the URLs for Asciidoctor projects on asciidoctor.org so they follow patterns that are easy to remember. Specifically, I'm going to use the same name as the GitHub repository. For documentation "start" pages, the pattern will be:

<a href="http://asciidoctor.org/docs/%project%">http://asciidoctor.org/docs/%project%

For instance, the new URL for AsciidoctorJ is:

In some cases, I'll setup a redirecting alias when it makes it easier to remember. For AsciidoctorJ, I have a redirect the previous URL from:

Though we don't have time to do it yet, we'll also setup project dashboard pages like you see on the FaceBook open source (https://code.facebook.com/projects/) and Netflix open source (http://netflix.github.io/#repo) pages. To use AsciidoctorJ as an example again, we'll have:

If you have any input on this layout, feel free to share!


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Re: Renaming project URLs on asciidoctor.org

Oh, absolutely. I'm definitely preserving the old URLs, at least until we are sure they are sufficiently stale.
