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Table of content of a second document into an other document

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Table of content of a second document into an other document

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
I have 2 documents:
* document1.adoc
* document2.adoc

Imagine that document 2 looks like this :

== Title A
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

=== Lorem
Proin id nunc sit amet risus congue dictum.

=== Ipsum
Aenean ut metus in leo auctor ornare.

== Title B
Duis fermentum, risus vitae fringilla fringilla, sapien dolor volutpat nibh, sit amet luctus dui velit lacinia nisi.

Is it possible to include an outline of the document2 in the document 1?
For example I would like to get a nested list; looking like this:

* Title A
    - Lorem
    - Ipsum
* Title B

Each list item should be a link to the corresponding section in the other document.

If the feature is not available, I can of course write it manually in the document1.adoc.
It will be something like that:

* <<document2.adoc#title-a, Title A>>
** <<document2.adoc#lorem, Lorem>>
** <<document2.adoc#ipsum, Ipsum>>
* <<document2.adoc#title-b, Title B>>

But this presents the drawback that I need to reflect in document1 the structure of document2.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Table of content of a second document into an other document

2681 posts

It would be interesting to add an optional target to the `toc` block macro so it's possible to specify the source of the toc (by default it's the current document).


When the toc macro has a target, it would be used regardless of the value of the `toc` attribute on the document (since it's referring to a different source document). We'd probably have to construct the toc in a slightly different way to avoid clashes in the HTML and to link to the sections in the other document.


You could file a feature request in core. To get the feature sooner, you could play around with making a custom block macro extension that does essentially the same thing. You'd have to use a different name so as not to conflict with the built-in macro.


Here's an example of a block macro extension from the extensions-lab to hopefully get you started.



On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have 2 documents:
* document1.adoc
* document2.adoc

Imagine that document 2 looks like this :

== Title A
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

=== Lorem
Proin id nunc sit amet risus congue dictum.

=== Ipsum
Aenean ut metus in leo auctor ornare.

== Title B
Duis fermentum, risus vitae fringilla fringilla, sapien dolor volutpat nibh, sit amet luctus dui velit lacinia nisi.

Is it possible to include an outline of the document2 in the document 1?
For example I would like to get a nested list; looking like this:

* Title A
    - Lorem
    - Ipsum
* Title B

Each list item should be a link to the corresponding section in the other document.

If the feature is not available, I can of course write it manually in the document1.adoc.
It will be something like that:

* <<document2.adoc#title-a, Title A>>
** <<document2.adoc#lorem, Lorem>>
** <<document2.adoc#ipsum, Ipsum>>
* <<document2.adoc#title-b, Title B>>

But this presents the drawback that I need to reflect in document1 the structure of document2.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Table of content of a second document into an other document

2681 posts
In reply to this post by Jeremie Bresson
Btw, I think it would be fun to experiment with the extension in the extensions-lab until we work out getting it integrated into core.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Dan Allen <[hidden email]> wrote:

It would be interesting to add an optional target to the `toc` block macro so it's possible to specify the source of the toc (by default it's the current document).


When the toc macro has a target, it would be used regardless of the value of the `toc` attribute on the document (since it's referring to a different source document). We'd probably have to construct the toc in a slightly different way to avoid clashes in the HTML and to link to the sections in the other document.


You could file a feature request in core. To get the feature sooner, you could play around with making a custom block macro extension that does essentially the same thing. You'd have to use a different name so as not to conflict with the built-in macro.


Here's an example of a block macro extension from the extensions-lab to hopefully get you started.



On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have 2 documents:
* document1.adoc
* document2.adoc

Imagine that document 2 looks like this :

== Title A
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

=== Lorem
Proin id nunc sit amet risus congue dictum.

=== Ipsum
Aenean ut metus in leo auctor ornare.

== Title B
Duis fermentum, risus vitae fringilla fringilla, sapien dolor volutpat nibh, sit amet luctus dui velit lacinia nisi.

Is it possible to include an outline of the document2 in the document 1?
For example I would like to get a nested list; looking like this:

* Title A
    - Lorem
    - Ipsum
* Title B

Each list item should be a link to the corresponding section in the other document.

If the feature is not available, I can of course write it manually in the document1.adoc.
It will be something like that:

* <<document2.adoc#title-a, Title A>>
** <<document2.adoc#lorem, Lorem>>
** <<document2.adoc#ipsum, Ipsum>>
* <<document2.adoc#title-b, Title B>>

But this presents the drawback that I need to reflect in document1 the structure of document2.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Table of content of a second document into an other document

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
This thread is quite old, but I am still interested in creating a "reference-toc" macro.
I would like to develop it in Java (using AsciidoctorJ).

My goal is to obtain a setup similar to the maven example java-extension-example.

What I have managed is to read some asciidocContent and to get the parts...

// asciidocContent contains the AsciiDoc source.
public static List<ContentPart> getAllSectionParts(String asciidocContent) {
	Asciidoctor asciidoctor = create();

	Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	parameters.put(Asciidoctor.STRUCTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 6);

	StructuredDocument document = asciidoctor.readDocumentStructure(asciidocContent, parameters);
	List<ContentPart> parts = findSectionParts(document.getParts());
	return parts;
//On each part, you can read: 
//part.getId(), part.getTitle(), part.getLevel()...

private static List<ContentPart> findSectionParts(List<ContentPart> parts) {
	List<ContentPart> result = new ArrayList<ContentPart>();
	if (parts != null) {
		for (ContentPart p : parts) {
			if ("section".equals(p.getContext())) {
	return result;

Creating the corresponding AsciiDoc content (as text) will be easy... by combining "part.getLevel(), part.getId(), part.getTitle()":
Forach parts as part
  repeat "*" part.getLevel() times
  concatenate <<{file name}#{part.getId()}, {part.getTitle()}>>
  concatenate new line

Could you please give me some more inputs:
* Which type of MacroProcessor should I take?
* In the process(..) method, I should probably create "ulist" and "list_item" blocs. Have you some example? How could I test the block builder in a simple java main?
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Re: Table of content of a second document into an other document

2681 posts

If you are building an extension for AsciidoctorJ, I strongly recommend that you build it against AsciidoctorJ 1.6.0 (alpha). The AST API in AsciidoctorJ 1.5.x was merely a prototype. Thanks to Robert, the AST has been massively improved and is much more logical. It also has access to key information that was missing in the 1.5.x API.

> Which type of MacroProcessor should I take?

A block macro.

>  In the process(..) method, I should probably create "ulist" and "list_item" blocs.

Yep. And this is where AsciidoctorJ 1.6.0 really comes into play because it has types for these.

> Have you some example?

Probably best to look at the test suite for AsciidoctorJ. Here's a good example (that creates a table, not a list, but very similar).

Robert might be able to point you in a better direction.



On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 5:36 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
This thread is quite old, but I am still interested in creating a "reference-toc" macro.
I would like to develop it in Java (using AsciidoctorJ).

My goal is to obtain a setup similar to the maven example java-extension-example.

What I have managed is to read some asciidocContent and to get the parts...

// asciidocContent contains the AsciiDoc source.
public static List<ContentPart> getAllSectionParts(String asciidocContent) {
	Asciidoctor asciidoctor = create();

	Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	parameters.put(Asciidoctor.STRUCTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 6);

	StructuredDocument document = asciidoctor.readDocumentStructure(asciidocContent, parameters);
	List<ContentPart> parts = findSectionParts(document.getParts());
	return parts;
//On each part, you can read: 
//part.getId(), part.getTitle(), part.getLevel()...

private static List<ContentPart> findSectionParts(List<ContentPart> parts) {
	List<ContentPart> result = new ArrayList<ContentPart>();
	if (parts != null) {
		for (ContentPart p : parts) {
			if ("section".equals(p.getContext())) {
	return result;

Creating the corresponding AsciiDoc content (as text) will be easy... by combining "part.getLevel(), part.getId(), part.getTitle()":
Forach parts as part
  repeat "*" part.getLevel() times
  concatenate <<{file name}#{part.getId()}, {part.getTitle()}>>
  concatenate new line

Could you please give me some more inputs:
* Which type of MacroProcessor should I take?
* In the process(..) method, I should probably create "ulist" and "list_item" blocs. Have you some example? How could I test the block builder in a simple java main?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen