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Styling with SASS and Bootstrap instead of foundation

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Styling with SASS and Bootstrap instead of foundation

Is it possible to switch the framework used to create Asciidoc themes from Foundation to Bootstrap?

Is it possible to extract the Asciidoc specific functions, defaults and libraries into a separate package to make it easier to develop using a different framework or by hand. I've downloaded the code but have a hard time figuring what's essential and what's just wanted by the developer.

Thanks :-)
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Re: Styling with SASS and Bootstrap instead of foundation

If you're interested in Bootstrap integration, I recommend taking a look at the AsciiDoc Bootstrap integration by Laurent Laville.

To use this backend with Asciidoctor, you'd have to port it to the Asciidoctor backend system since it's (intentionally) different from AsciiDoc Python. (Otherwise, you'd have to use AsciiDoc Python). I think the backend is definitely worth porting.

The AsciiDoc Bootstrap integration takes a slightly different approach than the integration with Foundation. AsciiDoc Bootstrap customizes the HTML output generated by AsciiDoc Python so it conforms to the existing Bootstrap semantics. Foundation is a lower-level CSS framework and therefore it was possible to adapt Foundation styles to the standard HTML output. While you could take that approach with Bootstrap SASS, it's probably more productive to build on what Laurent has done.

As an alternative, Thomas Kern has created a basic Bootstrap stylesheet for standard AsciiDoc generated HTML in the plugin for brackets. See https://github.com/asciidoctor/brackets-asciidoc-preview/blob/master/themes/slate.css.

Good luck!


On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:53 PM, carlos [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is it possible to switch the framework used to create Asciidoc themes from Foundation to Bootstrap?

Is it possible to extract the Asciidoc specific functions, defaults and libraries into a separate package to make it easier to develop using a different framework or by hand. I've downloaded the code but have a hard time figuring what's essential and what's just wanted by the developer.

Thanks :-)

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