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Difference between literal and listing

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Difference between literal and listing

What's the difference between a literal block and a listing block? The user manual says literal is for "output text" and listing for "keyboard input". Is there any semantical difference?
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Re: Difference between literal and listing


On the surface, not much. It's more of a semantic intent (i.e., a hint).

* I think of a listing as example, non-highlighted code (which is what "keyboard input" is supposed to mean). If you want highlighting, then you add the "source" style.
* I think of a literal as console output from a command or process (e.g., stdout)

If you give the listing-caption attribute a value, then a listing with a title will also get a numbered caption (e.g., Listing 1. Amazing code), whereas a literal with a title will not. 

In the default Asciidoctor stylesheet, listing and literal blocks are styled the same. The difference in styling comes when you add the "source" style to the block.

Sarah and I have had several casual conversations about removing the distinction...and maybe using the literal block syntax for preformatted content and reserving the listing block syntax for open blocks instead so you can have open block delimiters of any length. It's worth discussing, but isn't likely to happen in the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Thorsten [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
What's the difference between a literal block and a listing block? The user manual says literal is for "output text" and listing for "keyboard input". Is there any semantical difference?

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