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Set attribute only when not already set?

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Set attribute only when not already set?

We have a document structure somewhat like this:

./MainDocument.adoc (contains include-statements)

When processing the MainDocument, images must be referenced as "./images/image.png", both from inside MainDocument.adoc and includes/some-section.adoc. However, when using an editor (Intellij, AsciidocFx) to edit includes/document-sections.adoc, "./images/image.png" is not visible.

Is it possible to have a "conditional" attribute statement, so that MainDocument.adoc sets ":imagedir: ./images" and includes/some-section.adoc sets ":imagedir:../images" -- but where only the first declaration is used?

In other word: Is is possible to avoid processing attribute

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Re: Set attribute only when not already set?

You'll be happy to know, it is supported very easily :)
For those scenarios you can use the conditional statements. They work with predefined attributes and custom ones as well: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#ifdef-directive.

For example, see how icons get a special treatment when an attribute set by GitHub is defined (env-github) here
If you use IntelliJ, it defines the attribute `env-idea` to customize the images path for a specific document.

:outfilesuffix: .adoc
:caution-caption: :fire:
:important-caption: :exclamation:
:note-caption: :paperclip:
:tip-caption: :bulb:
:warning-caption: :warning:
Also, you may be interested in checking how to unset attributes with the `!` symbol: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#using-attributes-set-assign-and-reference.

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Re: Set attribute only when not already set?

In reply to this post by elygre
> Is it possible to have a "conditional" attribute statement, so that MainDocument.adoc sets ":imagedir: ./images" and includes/some-section.adoc sets ":imagedir:../images" -- but where only the first declaration is used?

ifndef::imagesdir[:imagesdir: fallback/if/not/already/set]

As Abel suggested, you can check for other attributes instead.


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 4:31 AM, elygre [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
We have a document structure somewhat like this:

./MainDocument.adoc (contains include-statements)

When processing the MainDocument, images must be referenced as "./images/image.png", both from inside MainDocument.adoc and includes/some-section.adoc. However, when using an editor (Intellij, AsciidocFx) to edit includes/document-sections.adoc, "./images/image.png" is not visible.

Is it possible to have a "conditional" attribute statement, so that MainDocument.adoc sets ":imagedir: ./images" and includes/some-section.adoc sets ":imagedir:../images" -- but where only the first declaration is used?

In other word: Is is possible to avoid processing attribute


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