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Preventing secondary index terms from appearing as primary

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Preventing secondary index terms from appearing as primary

If have the following index term in my asciidoctor source,

   indexterm:[Commands, introduction]

I get the following entries in my index

     introduction, 12

introduction, 12

Is there a way to prevent the secondary term "introduction" from appearing as a primary as well ? The generated DocBook xml also shows a <primary>introduction</primary> element.

On a related topic, is there a way to specify DocBook indexterm attributes (like zone, range) in Asciidoctor?

BTW, I know neither Ruby, nor Java, nor DocBook, yet I'm producing PDF's! That too on Windows.
Asciidoctor packaging is just terrific!

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Re: Preventing secondary index terms from appearing as primary

I believe that your first question coincides with the following issue:

 is there a way to specify DocBook indexterm attributes (like zone, range) in Asciidoctor?

Not at the moment. You'd need to extend the converter or use custom templates to add support for these additional attributes.

 BTW, I know neither Ruby, nor Java, nor DocBook, yet I'm producing PDF's! That too on Windows.
Asciidoctor packaging is just terrific!

I love to hear that!!


On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 11:49 PM, apnadkarni [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
If have the following index term in my asciidoctor source,

   indexterm:[Commands, introduction]

I get the following entries in my index

     introduction, 12

introduction, 12

Is there a way to prevent the secondary term "introduction" from appearing as a primary as well ? The generated DocBook xml also shows a <primary>introduction</primary> element.

On a related topic, is there a way to specify DocBook indexterm attributes (like zone, range) in Asciidoctor?

BTW, I know neither Ruby, nor Java, nor DocBook, yet I'm producing PDF's! That too on Windows.
Asciidoctor packaging is just terrific!


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Preventing secondary index terms from appearing as primary

Thanks for the prompt reply. I landed up using the pass:[] mechanism for now. My asciidoc content is actually generated from another script that documents commands so it was easy enough to modify that to output pass:[]  and easy enough to change to something more portable to other backends later.
