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No XML highlighted - What am I doing wrong?

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No XML highlighted - What am I doing wrong?

2 posts
Hi guys, I've just started with Asciidoctor and I'm already hitting first issues.

I'm not sure what I've been doing wrong with so little code but still.

I cannot get any code highlighting in my xml snippets.

My sample doc is:

== simple test

	<b attr="whatever"/>

And the output I get is here.


When I open it in either Firefox or Chromium I get not colors for the xml portion of the document.

Any idea on what I could be doing wrong?

$ asciidoctor --version
Asciidoctor 1.5.2 [http://asciidoctor.org]
Runtime Environment (ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]) (lc:UTF-8 fs:UTF-8 in:- ex:UTF-8)

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Re: No XML highlighted - What am I doing wrong?

354 posts
Looks like you haven't specified a highlighter to use. http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#source-code-blocks talks all about it. If you're using the browser I suggest using hightlightjs. 

On Wednesday, August 12, 2015, sonicaaaa [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys, I've just started with Asciidoctor and I'm already hitting first issues.

I'm not sure what I've been doing wrong with so little code but still.

I cannot get any code highlighting in my xml snippets.

My sample doc is:

== simple test




And the output I get is here.


When I open it in either Firefox or Chromium I get not colors for the xml portion of the document.

Any idea on what I could be doing wrong?

$ asciidoctor --version
Asciidoctor 1.5.2 [http://asciidoctor.org]
Runtime Environment (ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]) (lc:UTF-8 fs:UTF-8 in:- ex:UTF-8)

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Re: No XML highlighted - What am I doing wrong?

27 posts
In reply to this post by sonicaaaa
Did you ensure to "Enabling the syntax highlighter" as mentioned in the reference [1].

In short, you must specify the source-highlighter attribute in the document header or passed as an argument. The valid options are coderay, highlightjs, prettify, and pygments.

For example, your code can be specified as:

:source-highlighter: highlightjs

== simple test


[1] http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/#source-code

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Re: No XML highlighted - What am I doing wrong? - SOLVED

2 posts
Thank you guys, not having a syntax highlighter enabled was my problem.

thanks again
