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New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

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New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

70 posts
I created a new repository for asciidoctorj-pdf under https://github.com/robertpanzer/asciidoctorj-pdf that bundles asciidoctor-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.13.

It would be cool if you could take a look at that and if it could be adopted into the asciidoctor org.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Missing points atm are:
- A better description in the README: How to use, dependency to add etc.
- Activate CI build on Travis and Appveyor
- Check generated POM.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

70 posts
A follow-up question ion I am wondering about is what we want to deliver in an AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 distribution?
Should we also switch to the new asciidoctorj-pdf?
This would then require us to deliver JRuby 9k in the dist and lift the requirements to Java7 while asciidoctorj alone as a lib would still rely on Java 6 and JRuby 1.7.x.

While I am heavily inclined to deliver the newest, latest and greatest Asciidoctor-pdf with the dist, I would like to get feedback on this.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

11 posts

Forget about Java 6. I would even be fine to drop Java 7 support to be honest. Go for it!

Robert.Panzer [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote on 2016-09-27 04:50:

A follow-up question ion I am wondering about is what we want to deliver in an AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5 distribution?
Should we also switch to the new asciidoctorj-pdf?
This would then require us to deliver JRuby 9k in the dist and lift the requirements to Java7 while asciidoctorj alone as a lib would still rely on Java 6 and JRuby 1.7.x.

While I am heavily inclined to deliver the newest, latest and greatest Asciidoctor-pdf with the dist, I would like to get feedback on this.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

242 posts
In reply to this post by Robert.Panzer
We have agreed a few times to maintain support for Java6 for Asciidoctorj products until v 1.6.x (at least for asciidoctorj-core and maven-plugin). Some people is still stuck in Java 6 and it makes for a simple and nice memo rule.
But if Asciidoctorj-pdf becomes a first class citizen the rules may change for it. Honestly, and this is my personal opinion, I don't see an issue in the fact that the Asciidoctorj-pdf project has a different version number than Asciidoctorj and different requirements.
Another thing to keep in mind is that asciidoctor-pdf (the ruby core) is still in alpha, so some quirks things like this can happen. If someone needs the last version of Asciidoctoj-pdf, then they need to use Java7.

These points have two impacts, in the README we should:
- add a note regarding the requirements and special configurations for java/maven/gradle projects, including last Java6 compatible version. Then we can release the next AsciidoctorJ without any relationship with Asciidoctorj-pdf, be it 1.5.4.x or 1.5.5.
- add the minimum AsciidoctorJ recommended version.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
In reply to this post by Robert.Panzer

I take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you do to let us use Asciidoctor in the JVM (integrated in our maven build) without having to dive into the entire ruby world.

We are already using:
* Java 8
* JRuby 9k (because we had some issue on our Linux Build Server with the official JRuby dependency)
From our point of view, you can move on with the dependencies and let the old stuff go.

Can we consume this new "1.5.0-alpha.13" version from a maven repo somewhere? This would allow us to do some tests.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

70 posts
Hi Jeremy,

thank you!

Unfortunately the new jar is not available.
You could only build it yourself and publish to your local Maven cache and consume it from there.

I'd like to publish the jar as soon as the Github project is a member of the Asciidoctor organization.

As Asciidoctor 1.5.5 is also out, I'd like to publish both together.
I'll open a new thread to discuss how this should look.


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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
I have noticed there is now a "1.5.0-alpha.14" verion on Maven Central.

Not sure if it is related to your this repository change, but we will use this version for our tests.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

242 posts
This is not related. This is related to separating Asciidoctoj-pdf on its own GitHub repo to manage dependencies and releases separately from AsciidoctorJ.

Since this is taking some time (no hard feelings at all), we agreed to go ahead and release it all together with AsciidoctorJ 1.5.5. NOTE however, that pdf requires a superior version of jRuby, see details in the release notes https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj/releases/tag/v1.5.5.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
Thank you for this detailed explanation.
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Re: New repo for asciidoctorj-pdf

2681 posts

I've enabled the transfer permission on the asciidoctor organization. You can go ahead and transfer the repository there. Let's just move this to the Asciidoctor organization now and get it cleaned up and ready for handling the alpha.15 release after that.

Once you transfer, I'll make sure the Travis CI build is active.

It's painfully obvious that life would be so much easier if AsciidoctorJ PDF is released separately. Since it really should operate independently from core, the core distribution can just depend on a stable release of AsciidoctorJ PDF. That means that they could never be released simultaneously (but certainly within a release train). The alternative is to split the distribution into a separate repository too. That's up to you. Go with what feels right and easy.



On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:18 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you for this detailed explanation.

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