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New directive for including an entire folder

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New directive for including an entire folder

Hi all

Working on a project that allows content writers to create fragments in a folder, and I don't want to have to explicitly include each file, for example:


my _main_content/index.adoc looks like:

# My Main Content File


Instead, would want to call something like:


Any possible solutions?

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Re: New directive for including an entire folder

Nothing out of the box, but this could certainly be done with an extension. There are lots of examples of extension in github and also on this list. 

On Friday, September 11, 2015, torabisu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all

Working on a project that allows content writers to create fragments in a folder, and I don't want to have to explicitly include each file, for example:


my _main_content/index.adoc looks like:

# My Main Content File


Instead, would want to call something like:


Any possible solutions?

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Re: New directive for including an entire folder

I'll take a peek at the extensions, and if non exist, will create one...

Thanks for the feedback.

LightGuardjp wrote
Nothing out of the box, but this could certainly be done with an extension.
There are lots of examples of extension in github and also on this list.

On Friday, September 11, 2015, torabisu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all
> Working on a project that allows content writers to create fragments in a
> folder, and I don't want to have to explicitly include each file, for
> example:
> _my_content/_my_fragment_1.adoc
> _my_content/_my_fragment_2.adoc
> _my_content/_my_fragment_3.adoc
> ...
> my _main_content/index.adoc looks like:
> # My Main Content File
> include::_my_content/_my_fragment_1.adoc
> include::_my_content/_my_fragment_2.adoc
> include::_my_content/_my_fragment_3.adoc
> ..
> Instead, would want to call something like:
> includes::_my_content/*.adoc
> Any possible solutions?
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Re: New directive for including an entire folder


Just adding some extra info for you. Remember that you can write extension mainly in Ruby or Java.
Here you'll find some Ruby examples https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-extensions-lab, if you want to try in Java, here is the documentation with some examples too https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj.

I think, that in your case you should have a look at the include processor.

If you need any other help just let us know.
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Re: New directive for including an entire folder

I think this request is related to the following issue:

I definitely encourage you to pursue this as an extension, but that doesn't rule out including it in core one day :)



On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:26 AM, abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Just adding some extra info for you. Remember that you can write extension mainly in Ruby or Java.
Here you'll find some Ruby examples https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-extensions-lab, if you want to try in Java, here is the documentation with some examples too https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj.

I think, that in your case you should have a look at the include processor.

If you need any other help just let us know.

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Re: New directive for including an entire folder

In reply to this post by torabisu
This feature did occur to me some time ago, but the difficulty is that the order in which we want the files in our directory included is not any of the general alphabet or date orders - they are class texts, whose order of preservation have their own logic.

So although I can see use for the feature, it's not a burner for us, and I suspect probably isn't for any similar software engineering style documents - e.g. where directories contain Antlr grammars or classes or API degs.

Others may have completely different use cases of course that really need this feature - but again - I'll just flag ordering as a possible fly-in-the-ointment.