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Link to an other document

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Link to an other document

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
Assuming I have something like this:

        +--- example-manual.adoc

With the page2.adoc being something like:

Second page of the user manual.

== Second page chapter

This project does something.
We just haven't decided what that is yet.

Now in the example-manual.adoc, I want to make a link to the page 2. According to the Links to relative files section in the writers guide.

I should be able to do something like that:

link:page2[Go to the second page]


But both solutions are not working.

The only way I managed to do this, is to make the assumption that I will get HTML document, and to use something like that:

link:page2.html[Go to the second page]

link:page2.html#chap2[check this section]

Is the documentation wrong?
Did I miss something?

Making the assumption on the output format is in my opinion not really a good idea. The file I want to link is page2.adoc and not page2.html (which exist only after the build with the HTML backend).

Having a link to the html page means, this will not work:
* in a preview context like with the chrome extension
* on a GitHub page when you browse the source tree
=> in those cases the link is really to the adoc file and not to a the html file.

What is your opinion?

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Re: Link to an other document

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
I just spoke with Dan Allen at the JavaLandConf.

The new way to do it goes like that:

<<page2.adoc#,Smart Link to page 2>>

<<page2.adoc#intro2,Smart Link to the chap2 section in an other doc>>

I will try to udpate the documentation.
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Re: Link to an other document

126 posts
I tested the behavior. It works to convert the file extension ".adoc" or ".txt" to ".html"

<<page2.adoc#,Smart Link to page 2>>
<<page2.txt#,Smart Link to page 2>>

both renders as a link


My question is why can't Asciidoctor convert the file extension with this style?
link:page2.adoc[Link to page 2]
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: Link to an other document

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
Dan told me this was introduced with 1.5.0 version of Asciidoctor, because they reconized that this was needed.
The "cross references" syntax  is working and the "link:" macro syntax is not working.

Maybe you will find an answer in the Inter-document cross references section.

The "AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference" already contains an example: check the "Inter-document cross references (Asciidoctor only)" example at the end of the links section of the "AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference"

For the "AsciiDoc Writer’s Guide" check my pull request:
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Re: Link to an other document

2681 posts
> I just spoke with Dan Allen at the JavaLandConf.

It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for saying hi and chatting about Asciidoctor things!

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 7:36 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
The "cross references" syntax  is working and the "link:" macro syntax is not working.

The link macro syntax is really intended for fixed / static URLs, or perhaps another type of file like a json file. If you are linking to a file generated from an AsciiDoc document, the cross references is the way to go. We can continue to enhance it as new cases arise.


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Re: Link to an other document

2681 posts
In reply to this post by Jeremie Bresson
Here's the key section of the documentation that explains this behavior:

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I just spoke with Dan Allen at the JavaLandConf.

The new way to do it goes like that:

<<page2.adoc#,Smart Link to page 2>>

<<page2.adoc#intro2,Smart Link to the chap2 section in an other doc>>

I will try to udpate the documentation.

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