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Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

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Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

This post was updated on Jul 28, 2020; 5:26am.
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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

David Jencks
It’s definitely not a wiki, but I’d consider an Antora site.

My experience of wikis other than wikipedia is that they start off with good intentions and quickly decay into meaningless spaghetti.  I find that the Antora structure helps keep the spaghetti nature of information a bit under control :-)

I’ve written an extension that lets you set up “index pages” listing the results of querying the Antora content catalog, so it’s pretty easy to have such a page maintenance-free.  Unfortunately it doesn’t currently work in Antora nav files.  asciidoctor-antora-indexer

David Jencks

On Jul 27, 2020, at 9:46 PM, egalitarian [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

* I may edit pages in a dedicated text editor or in a wiki software.
* I may want to browse files as I can on zim desktop wiki because I don't necessarily want to maintain index page. A list of files and directories is itself an index.
* I want to start in a top-level directory as you can with gollum wiki.

AsciidocFX, atom, and other IDEs don't really set top-level directory.
I don't think they support hyperlinks on a wiki page.

Chrome asciidocfx extension is quite nice for a desktop wiki, but it doesn't set top-level directory, and it is a privacy risk.

Can anyone recommend a local asciidoc wiki software?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

Alexander Schwartz
I looked at the typora website and having a preview in the editor looks really cool.

The two requirements of "local asciidoc viewer that is aware of its own document root" might be covered by IntelliJ [community or ultimate edition] + the AsciiDoc plugin.

Editing has to be done in a text editor with syntax highlighting. Preview is separate.

What you'll get:

  • Integration of Git
  • The "document root" would be the folder that you open (usually also the Git root)
  • AsciiDoc viewer - either source code only, side-by-side preview, or only preview.

(I'll probably be biased as the current maintainer of the plugin)


Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@gmx.net)
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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?


On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 3:56 PM egalitarian [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a minimalist web server that displays folder contents and renders asciidoc on the fly?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

Sure, others have requested the same thing in Gollum:  https://github.com/gollum/gollum/issues/1031
I can't think of another tool which does this. For viewing Firefox, Chrome and possibly Safari have an extension for viewing which could be used from the local filesystem but that doesn't support editing.
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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

David Jencks
My guess is what you want is too simple :-)  I think you could write something in node using ‘http’ and asciidoctor.js that would display folders and rendered asciidoc in less than 100 lines of code.  I don’t know how you’d do in-browser editing, is that one of your requirements?

On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:46 PM, danyill [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sure, others have requested the same thing in Gollum:  https://github.com/gollum/gollum/issues/1031
I can't think of another tool which does this. For viewing Firefox, Chrome and possibly Safari have an extension for viewing which could be used from the local filesystem but that doesn't support editing.

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Re: Is there any software for local asciidoc wiki?

This post was updated on Aug 06, 2020; 7:25am.
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