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How to extract the raw content of a section

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How to extract the raw content of a section

3 posts

First of all, I'm new to asciidoctor and ruby, so maybe I'm missing something easy there.

I'm trying to write a script to extract the content from a document.
I came with this script, but "puts level2_block.content" prints out an html formated content
instead of the asciidoc content.

Is it possible to get the asciidoc content ?


require 'asciidoctor'                                                                                                                            
include Asciidoctor                                                                 
document = Asciidoctor.load_file("demo.adoc")                                       
document.blocks.each do|level1_block|                                               
  puts level1_block.title                                                           
  level1_block.blocks.each do|level2_block|                                         
    page_name = level2_block.title.tr(" ","-")                                      
    puts "===============================================>"                         
    puts "\t #{page_name}"                                                          
    puts level2_block.content                                                                    

My test file.

= Title 1                                                                           
== Subtitle 1                                                                       
=== My section 1.1                                                                  
My content goes here.                                                               
== Subtitle 2                                                                       
=== My section 2.1                                                                  
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Re: How to extract the raw content of a section

David Jencks
68 posts
Looking at the javascript translation, I think that .content calls .convert.

You might try .text or .lines (which will be an array of lines)

David Jencks

On Mar 7, 2020, at 3:02 PM, elmicka [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:


First of all, I'm new to asciidoctor and ruby, so maybe I'm missing something easy there.

I'm trying to write a script to extract the content from a document.
I came with this script, but "puts level2_block.content" prints out an html formated content
instead of the asciidoc content.

Is it possible to get the asciidoc content ?


require 'asciidoctor'                                                                                                                            
include Asciidoctor                                                                 
document = Asciidoctor.load_file("demo.adoc")                                       
document.blocks.each do|level1_block|                                               
  puts level1_block.title                                                           
  level1_block.blocks.each do|level2_block|                                         
    page_name = level2_block.title.tr(" ","-")                                      
    puts "===============================================>"                         
    puts "\t #{page_name}"                                                          
    puts level2_block.content                                                                    

My test file.

= Title 1                                                                           
== Subtitle 1                                                                       
=== My section 1.1                                                                  
My content goes here.                                                               
== Subtitle 2                                                                       
=== My section 2.1                                                                  

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Re: How to extract the raw content of a section

3 posts

Thank you for your answer.

I tried to use 'level2_block.text' and 'level2_block.lines',
but it seems that there is no such method for this object (undefined method error)

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Re: How to extract the raw content of a section

2681 posts
The API does not make the raw source of a section available. The source is only stored at the block level.

What I've done in the past to extract the source of the section is to leverage the sourcemap. By enabling the sourcemap option, you get the file and line number for each section. Then, you take that information and go back to the original source of the document and use it to cut out the source for the second.

Here's some really rough code to show you what I'm talking about:

require 'asciidoctor'

source = <<~'EOS'
= Document Title

== First Section


== Second Section


doc = Asciidoctor.load source, sourcemap: true

section_source = doc.source_lines[(doc.sections[0].lineno - 1)..(doc.sections[1].lineno - 2)].join ?\n

Best Regards,


On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 5:27 PM elmicka [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for your answer.

I tried to use 'level2_block.text' and 'level2_block.lines',
but it seems that there is no such method for this object (undefined method error)

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: How to extract the raw content of a section

3 posts

Thank you so much, I managed to make it works with your snippet.
