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Font file location

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Font file location

In the GPars build.gradle I have:
asciidoctor {
    sources {
      include 'index.adoc', 'quick_reference.adoc'
    backends 'html5','pdf'
    attributes  toc: 'left',
             doctype: 'book',
             icons: 'font',
             sectlink: true,
             sectanchors: true,
             numbered: true,
             linkattrs: true,
             imagesdir: 'images',
             'source-highlighter': 'coderay',
             stylesheet: 'css/style.css',
             'pdf-stylesdir': 'theme',
             'pdf-fontsdir': 'fonts',
             'pdf-style': 'gpars'
It seems though that the pdf-fontsdir entry provides the one and only font file location rather adding to a path. Is this as it should be? Is there a way of adding a directory to a font file search path?
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Re: Font file location


Russel, that's a great question. Right now it's restricted to a single path, but clearly that's very limiting. At the very least it should fall back to the directory of built-in fonts.

Even better world be to search the loadpath, which would include the classpath when running on the JVM. Then, we may not even need pdf-fontsdir.

Can you file an issue in asciidoctor-pdf to search the loadpath when looking for fonts if you agree?



On Jan 4, 2015 5:46 AM, "russel [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
In the GPars build.gradle I have:
asciidoctor {
    sources {
      include 'index.adoc', 'quick_reference.adoc'
    backends 'html5','pdf'
    attributes  toc: 'left',
             doctype: 'book',
             icons: 'font',
             sectlink: true,
             sectanchors: true,
             numbered: true,
             linkattrs: true,
             imagesdir: 'images',
             'source-highlighter': 'coderay',
             stylesheet: 'css/style.css',
             'pdf-stylesdir': 'theme',
             'pdf-fontsdir': 'fonts',
             'pdf-style': 'gpars'
It seems though that the pdf-fontsdir entry provides the one and only font file location rather adding to a path. Is this as it should be? Is there a way of adding a directory to a font file search path?

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Re: Font file location

In reply to this post by Russel
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Re: Font file location

In reply to this post by mojavelinux
As I want to specify all fonts for the GPars documentation and I have to provide all the font files rather than make assumptions about the build platform, this is not an issue for the GPars build: specifying the one and only fonts file directory works just fine for the GPars build.
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Re: Font file location


> specifying the one and only fonts file directory works just fine for the GPars build.

Perfect. I'm glad to here you can move forward in the interim.

