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Brackets Plugin : Version 1.0.8 released

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Brackets Plugin : Version 1.0.8 released

5 posts
I just released version 1.0.8 of the Brackets Asciidoctor Plugin.

One thing that bugged me most was the constant need for scrolling of the preview pane to keep it in sync with the current position of the text cursor. This is particularly the case when working with larger documents.

Thanks to the sourcemap option of Asciidoctor 1.5.0, the scrolling and searching is over! The rendered HTML can now be synchronized automatically with the editor's text cursor position.

In addition, a busy indicator is implemented to indicate lengthy conversion processes.

Just use the Brackets extension manager to install it or get it from here: https://github.com/asciidoctor/brackets-asciidoc-preview/releases

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Re: Brackets Plugin : Version 1.0.8 released

2681 posts
Great job Thomas!

One thing that bugged me most was the constant need for scrolling of the preview pane to keep it in sync with the current position of the text cursor. This is particularly the case when working with larger documents.

Indeed. Addressing this issue is what makes an AsciiDoc editor a serious professional tool. From good to great!

Thanks to the sourcemap option of Asciidoctor 1.5.0, the scrolling and searching is over! The rendered HTML can now be synchronized automatically with the editor's text cursor position. 

YES! \o/ Exactly the result I was hoping for when I added this feature! I'm so happy to hear it worked out!

In addition, a busy indicator is implemented to indicate lengthy conversion processes. 

That's a nice addition as well. Again, great work!



On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:56 PM, nerk [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I just released version 1.0.8 of the Brackets Asciidoctor Plugin.

One thing that bugged me most was the constant need for scrolling of the preview pane to keep it in sync with the current position of the text cursor. This is particularly the case when working with larger documents.

Thanks to the sourcemap option of Asciidoctor 1.5.0, the scrolling and searching is over! The rendered HTML can now be synchronized automatically with the editor's text cursor position.

In addition, a busy indicator is implemented to indicate lengthy conversion processes.

Just use the Brackets extension manager to install it or get it from here: https://github.com/asciidoctor/brackets-asciidoc-preview/releases


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