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Articles templates and articles for french magazine

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Articles templates and articles for french magazine

 I wrote a asciidoctor theme to generate odt files compatible with the author guidelines for Diamond Editions (http://www.editions-diamond.fr/devenir-auteur/), publisher for various french FOSS magazines.

You can find the theme here, inspired by Greg Turn Packt theme:

I also wrote 2 articles for GLMF, one of Diamond Editions magazine: one on how to use the theme with a bootstrap repo https://github.com/humboldtux/template-diamonded. The second article on how i code the theme, to help people code their theme.

Magazine and articles will soon be released in the April issue.

You can find the TOC here:

And the twitter announcement here:


PS: i'm not working for this publisher, just a regular contributor to it. But if you love FOSS, writing (in french) and using Asciidoc, you are more than welcome to contribute too and use my theme :-)