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ASKY-Lives web utility

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ASKY-Lives web utility

I am entertaining writing a Ruby web app to help my Instructional authors, editors and copywriters maintain courseware and blog postings.  The concept would be loosely based on the ASCIIDoctor FX user interface.  Rather than being a desktop app it would be a web app.

It would have the 3 panes, one for directory tree structure, ASCIIDoctor text and HTML rendered viewer.

I have a list of 40+ features for this ASKY-Lives tool of which the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will only have a small subset.

The owners of the app will be non-technical developers of courses for a Learning web site and associate blogs to support it.  The ASCIIDoctor syntax and its focus on content first, then form is what has caused this project to emerge.

I want these owners to be able to focus on content and develop content quickly over any internet enabled browser.  This will help me utilize the wide range of platforms they use, including Windows, Mac, Linux and even Chromebooks.

I am in the discovery phase where I am trying to determine if this has been done already and locate resources to assist me in the project.   This is not the first web project I have done and I understand many of the risks and pitfalls.  This would be my first Ruby project.   I have servers already in place being used currently to do the courseware work, which can used for this new venture.  I also have funding for the project.  

The project would be managed using the Atlassian  JIRA agile methodology, which I use for other projects and the web design would be prototyped, using the JustInMind utility.

I would appreciate any recommendations, suggestions or feedback
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Re: ASKY-Lives web utility

It sounds like a good idea to me.

Here's my bare-bones HTML showing the basic parts needed to create a web-based editor | viewer https://github.com/tedbergeron/simple-Asciidoctor.js-webpage

I've expanded this concept into a contextual help docs system for a web app. Where it saves the AsciiDoc text in the editor to files in a repository. Then it dredges up the text from the repo and renders them in the viewer.

So what you are proposing seems very do-able.
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: ASKY-Lives web utility

Sounds a lot like Gollum: https://github.com/gollum/gollum
You might want to see if this meets your needs. A Docker file is available if you want to give it a quick spin: https://hub.docker.com/r/suttang/gollum/
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Re: ASKY-Lives web utility

In reply to this post by GeekMustHave
GeekMustHave wrote
It would have the 3 panes, one for directory tree structure, ASCIIDoctor text and HTML rendered viewer.
I think it would work pretty well to click on the files in the directory tree structure pane and have the file contents load into the editor and render in the viewer.

A cool feature would be to click on links in the viewer window and force it to load that file and render it. That way you could close the directory tree structure and have it act more like a wiki.
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: ASKY-Lives web utility

In reply to this post by GeekMustHave
I'm very interested in tooling for writers as well. I think we're still in the very early stages, so a lot of innovation and experimentation is needed.

I setup a wiki page to capture ideas for what a writing tool would entail. Perhaps you would be willing to share some of those 40+ feature ideas to get feedback from the community.

You may want to look into what Corilla {1} is doing to get ideas. David and his team are developing a tool for quickly creating, previewing and publishing content that centers around topic-based authoring. I'm still trying to convince David to focus on AsciiDoc instead of DocBook and Markdown, but many of the ideas still apply.

You might also be interested in checking out Noteshare {2}, a tool for creating and sharing online notebooks based on AsciiDoc source.

I'll be tracking the progress of your project with great anticipation! Best of luck!



On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:18 AM, GeekMustHave [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am entertaining writing a Ruby web app to help my Instructional authors, editors and copywriters maintain courseware and blog postings.  The concept would be loosely based on the ASCIIDoctor FX user interface.  Rather than being a desktop app it would be a web app.

It would have the 3 panes, one for directory tree structure, ASCIIDoctor text and HTML rendered viewer.

I have a list of 40+ features for this ASKY-Lives tool of which the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will only have a small subset.

The owners of the app will be non-technical developers of courses for a Learning web site and associate blogs to support it.  The ASCIIDoctor syntax and its focus on content first, then form is what has caused this project to emerge.

I want these owners to be able to focus on content and develop content quickly over any internet enabled browser.  This will help me utilize the wide range of platforms they use, including Windows, Mac, Linux and even Chromebooks.

I am in the discovery phase where I am trying to determine if this has been done already and locate resources to assist me in the project.   This is not the first web project I have done and I understand many of the risks and pitfalls.  This would be my first Ruby project.   I have servers already in place being used currently to do the courseware work, which can used for this new venture.  I also have funding for the project.  

The project would be managed using the Atlassian  JIRA agile methodology, which I use for other projects and the web design would be prototyped, using the JustInMind utility.

I would appreciate any recommendations, suggestions or feedback

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen