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ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

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ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

7 posts

There is any possibility to include an ordered list inside a table cell? As an example i have the following text in asciidoctor:

[cols="2*" options="header"]

. Item1
. Item2

I would expect to get something like:

<entry><orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">

But what I get is something like this:

<entry align="left" valign="top"><simpara>Col1</simpara></entry>
<entry align="left" valign="top"><simpara>. Item1 . Item2</simpara></entry>

Regarding the image align, I have tried like it is described in the user's guide, however I didn't manage to have an image with align="center" property in docbook. There is any trick for this?
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Re: ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

2681 posts
By default, table cells only process inline AsciiDoc markup. If you want it to process block-level content, then you need to set the style of the cell to "a" (for AsciiDoc).

See the following section in the user manual for details and examples:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 5:01 AM, rogerpt [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

There is any possibility to include an ordered list inside a table cell? As an example i have the following text in asciidoctor:

[cols="2*" options="header"]

. Item1
. Item2

I would expect to get something like:

<entry><orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">

But what I get is something like this:

<entry align="left" valign="top"><simpara>Col1</simpara></entry>
<entry align="left" valign="top"><simpara>. Item1 . Item2</simpara></entry>

Regarding the image align, I have tried like it is described in the user's guide, however I didn't manage to have an image with align="center" property in docbook. There is any trick for this?

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Re: ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

7 posts
Thanks Dan. It worked, my fault I  haven't read that part in the user manual.

By the way, can you enlighten me about the position of the images?

For instance, I tried (among other option attempts) to do, but I can't manage to have the image centered in docbook.
.System Overview
image::images/system_overview.pdf[,85%, 100%,align="center"]

I expect to have something like:

<imagedata fileref="images/system_overview.pdf" contentwidth="85%" align="center"/>

Thanks in advance.

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Re: ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

2681 posts

I'm glad to hear you got the AsciiDoc table cell working.

The image align issue was recently fixed and that fix is available in 1.5.0.preview.2. Perhaps you can try it out and see if it works for you. I'll be posting shortly with a summary of the 1.5.0.preview.2 release and how to get it.


On Feb 17, 2014 8:04 AM, "rogerpt [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Dan. It worked, my fault I  haven't read that part in the user manual.

By the way, can you enlighten me about the position of the images?

For instance, I tried (among other option attempts) to do, but I can't manage to have the image centered in docbook.
.System Overview
image::images/system_overview.pdf[,85%, 100%,align="center"]

I expect to have something like:

<imagedata fileref="images/system_overview.pdf" contentwidth="85%" align="center"/>

Thanks in advance.

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