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Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

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Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

6 posts
I have created a simple markup converter named Sandoc. It can convert Asciidoc, Markdown or reStructuredText to HTML, DocBook or PDF. Sandoc could be self contained in one JAR , so there is no need to install LaTeX, DocBook, Haskell or Ruby for PDF creation.

Git Project: https://github.com/Hocdoc/sandoc

It uses Asciidoctor (Ruby, Java) and Laika (Scala) as Markup parser. PDF creation is done via DocBook and Apache FOP (Java).

Example to convert an AsciiDoc-docxument to PDF:
> run -o output.pdf source.asciidoc

Sandoc is written in less than 200 lines of Scala code. It's the first alpha version of the project, so there are some things that doesn't work now (images, error messages...), but maybe it's an inspiration for somebody to make it even more useful or create a similar project.
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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

298 posts
Cool, another project that uses Asciidoctor-java-integration, it is always a good news to know that Asciidoctor is expanding over the world. If you need anything from Asciidoctor-java-integration project don't hesitate to ask it here.

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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

354 posts
We should start putting this up on the website, if they don't mind.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 2:27 PM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool, another project that uses Asciidoctor-java-integration, it is always a good news to know that Asciidoctor is expanding over the world. If you need anything from Asciidoctor-java-integration project don't hesitate to ask it here.


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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

298 posts
yes, maybe we can talk with Dan to open a new section in Asciidoctor documentation, something called, who are using it, and we can add github for example, but also the projects who are using like the three live preview projects that has been implemented, also Sandoc, jbake  when it had support, of course Awestruct, ....

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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

2681 posts
In reply to this post by Hocdoc
This is great news, and the timing is great. Folks have been asking about how to do direct PDF creation with Asciidoctor [1] and, so far, we've only been able to reply "soon". sandoc is a solution that can be used today. We'll be sure to highlight this on the "production" page, which will describe how to produce consumable formats (such as PDF) from AsciiDoc using the Asciidoctor toolchain.

I have one question about the project. Do you have a way to supply custom XSL templates? At the very least, AsciiDoc requires some customization of FOP to support the processing instructions that are emitted into the DocBook output. See http://code.google.com/p/asciidoc/source/browse/#hg%2Fdocbook-xsl for the templates that ship w/ AsciiDoc. I've taken it a little bit further by adding some customizations that I think make the PDF nicer: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.github.com/tree/develop/_config/docbook-xsl

(I apologize for the delayed reply. My feedback above is what came to mind when I first saw the post two weeks ago).


[1] jdocbook + pressgang is another solution, but that requires the use of Maven

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Hocdoc [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have created a simple markup converter named Sandoc. It can convert Asciidoc, Markdown or reStructuredText to HTML, DocBook or PDF. Sandoc could be self contained in one JAR , so there is no need to install LaTeX, DocBook, Haskell or Ruby for PDF creation.

Git Project: https://github.com/Hocdoc/sandoc

It uses Asciidoctor (Ruby, Java) and Laika (Scala) as Markup parser. PDF creation is done via DocBook and Apache FOP (Java).

Example to convert an AsciiDoc-docxument to PDF:
> run -o output.pdf source.asciidoc

Sandoc is written in less than 200 lines of Scala code. It's the first alpha version of the project, so there are some things that doesn't work now (images, error messages...), but maybe it's an inspiration for somebody to make it even more useful or create a similar project.

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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

2681 posts
In reply to this post by asotobu
Yes, this is a good idea and something that has come up while Sarah and I were brainstorming. We should also have a testimonials page so we can capture some of the nice things that have been said about Asciidoctor, the community and the individual contributors.



On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 5:36 AM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
yes, maybe we can talk with Dan to open a new section in Asciidoctor documentation, something called, who are using it, and we can add github for example, but also the projects who are using like the three live preview projects that has been implemented, also Sandoc, jbake  when it had support, of course Awestruct, ....


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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

6 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux
@Dan: Thank you.
I will ship the Asciidoc XSL templates and maybe also an option for other templates in the next release of Sandoc.
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Re: Announcement: Markup-Converter Sandoc 0.1

2681 posts



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On Jun 19, 2013 9:03 AM, "Hocdoc [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
@Dan: Thank you.
I will ship the Asciidoc XSL templates and maybe also an option for other templates in the next release of Sandoc.

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