ASciidoc Codemirror editor ?

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ASciidoc Codemirror editor ?


Sorry in advance  if the subject has already been discussed .

i went confidently to the codemirror website looking for the "asciidoctor mode" , and oh imagine my disappointment  when i realized that there  no implementation.  when i see the tons of not even relavent syntax language that have already a mode in codemirror , it's just ( how to say it ....crazy !)  not to have something for asciidoctor .

I have to say i'm not a developper so it's easy for me to say even if i occasionally do some python,  groovy and bash automation  as a sysadmin.  what brought me to the codemirror website is that, even if i don't know anything about javascript , i was reviewing the Ghost ( blogging platform ) code to see what will it take to swap out markdown and integrate asccidoctor via asciidoctor.js ,  i was  pretty happy with what i was discovering so far and wass learning javascript and nodejs and emberjs  and typescript at the same time ... but for a newbie like me there too much obstacle now .  Ghost in using codemirror markdown mode for live preview editor in the fontend ...

So sad right now because even if the asccidoc mode would exist the integration with ghost was going to be hard but now it's just too much at list for me .

 is there anyone working on this subject  ?  so just i know and stop dreaming about asciidoctorjs in Ghost ?

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Re: ASciidoc Codemirror editor ?

@jamroks, don't fret just yet. As it turns out, the Brackets editor uses CodeMirror and Thomas Kern has done a ton of work to integrate Asciidoctor.js into that environment. Thomas discovered a port of the Ace AsciiDoc support to CodeMirror in the AsciiDocBox (then Livesciidoc) tool and used it as the basis for the integration in Brackets.

Long story short, here's the result:

Currently, the AsciiDoc mode for CodeMirror lives inside the Brackets extension repository, though we could consider breaking it out into it's own repository. You could talk to Thomas about that (just file an issue in the repository).

I hope that gives you some optimism!



On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:09 PM, jamroks [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sorry in advance  if the subject has already been discussed .

i went confidently to the codemirror website looking for the "asciidoctor mode" , and oh imagine my disappointment  when i realized that there  no implementation.  when i see the tons of not even relavent syntax language that have already a mode in codemirror , it's just ( how to say it ....crazy !)  not to have something for asciidoctor .

I have to say i'm not a developper so it's easy for me to say even if i occasionally do some python,  groovy and bash automation  as a sysadmin.  what brought me to the codemirror website is that, even if i don't know anything about javascript , i was reviewing the Ghost ( blogging platform ) code to see what will it take to swap out markdown and integrate asccidoctor via asciidoctor.js ,  i was  pretty happy with what i was discovering so far and wass learning javascript and nodejs and emberjs  and typescript at the same time ... but for a newbie like me there too much obstacle now .  Ghost in using codemirror markdown mode for live preview editor in the fontend ...

So sad right now because even if the asccidoc mode would exist the integration with ghost was going to be hard but now it's just too much at list for me .

 is there anyone working on this subject  ?  so just i know and stop dreaming about asciidoctorjs in Ghost ?


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Re: ASciidoc Codemirror editor ?


Wow  thank you so much for the help @mojavelinux. And sorry if i sounded so sadden ;-)

This is going to be a very interesting journey.

I have open an issue on Thomas Github repo .

I have to say you made my day !!!
