Hi, yes there were changes.
Assuming that you're using asciidoctor-pdf 1.5.x, here is a link to that version's theming guide and default theme:
https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/blob/v1.5.x/docs/theming-guide.adochttps://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/blob/v1.5.x/data/themes/default-theme.ymlThe changes were made as part of
It was included in version 1.5.0 Alpha 13 released on 19 Sep 2016.
It would have been helpful to add the link to the doctoolchain issue. Here it is:
https://github.com/docToolchain/docToolchain/issues/568There was a mapping of old content that was removed in version v1.5.0.beta.1