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Re: Problem registering two times block extension AsciidoctorJ

Posted by asotobu on Nov 13, 2013; 8:48am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Problem-registering-two-times-block-extension-AsciidoctorJ-tp898p981.html

I love the idea of annotations, I think it is more clear and easy for developers. About preference, in my case I don't have a preference , but the first one because it quite simple, adding annotations inside another annotation in my opinion disturbs a bit the readability of the code, in your example you have tabbed correctly the annotations but someone (or autoformatters) could write all of them linley. But as you suggest I have not preference.

But because I don't have the whole picture, I don't see how this could help us in removing static method.


2013/11/13 mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]>
We discussed this issue at the Hackergarten and there's no doubt in my mind that the configuration settings should be defined using annotations when writing a Java (or Groovy)-based extension.

The current approach of using a static block is the case of a "lost in translation" sort of scenario. Ruby doesn't have annotations. Instead, it's common to use assignments that take on a DSL-style appearance. Since Java and Groovy have annotations, we should definitely take advantage of them on the Java side.

This brings us to a design discussion of how to name and arrange these annotations. Here are two possible approaches:


  contexts = {":paragraph", ":open"},
  contentModel = ":simple" // <1>
public class MyBlockProcessor extends BlockProcessor {

<1> We could, of course, use a constant for the content model since that's a closed set.

  @BlockOption(name = "contexts", value = {":paragraph", ":open"})
  @BlockOption(name = "content_model", value = ":simple")


I don't have a preference at the moment.

Having said that, I am still looking closely as to whether the Ruby side needs to be done cleaner. Regardless, I think this is a the right choice for the Java side.



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  Alex Soto Bueno - Computer Engineer