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Re: How to track changes with text files?

Posted by asotobu on Oct 22, 2013; 7:00am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/How-to-track-changes-with-text-files-tp453p841.html

Yes, I love the CriticMarkup way too. Also I think that a preprocessor would be the best choice, I think that I will find time from no where to start an implementation. Dan this makes me think that we need a github repo in asciidoctor organization to upload extensions (maybe one for Java, and another one for Ruby).


2013/10/21 mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]>
I came across a clear and concise blog entry that describes how to enable prose diffs (i.e., word diffs) when using git, with examples. This nicely demonstrates how you can get output in the same spirit as track changes.


Here's the quick command:

 $ git diff --word-diff --color-words

Note that this isn't limited to git. The git example is just an easy way to show what is possible.


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  Alex Soto Bueno - Computer Engineer