Re: Image mapping in asciidoctor
Posted by
vidya srivatsan on
Aug 03, 2020; 3:03pm
HI David,
sorry for the delayed reply. I am enclosing the image on how the linking is expected.
Image_map_link.pngI am not able to see the embedded image. But here is the description of the image:
1.There are four chapters with blocks:
a. Introduction
b.About this Guide
c. Installing XXX
d. More Info
2. The Image map will be in the Image folder. I would then call this image and place it in my Overview chapter.
3. Then when I look at the folder of Overview, I should be able to see the image.
4. I should have the option called Create Image Map link when i right click the image.
5. The image when it opens should displays the target node such as Introduction, About this Guide etc...
6. I should be able to select the block, for example Intro and then link the Introduction chapter in the Target node. 7. Link the rest of the block with the relevant target node and then save.
The image can be in jpeg or png format.
Hope the above information provides you with a better descritpion.
Does asciidoctor-kroki will work with html/html5?
Vidya Srivatsan