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Re: Asciidoctor on Slack

Posted by mojavelinux on Jul 29, 2020; 11:53pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-on-Slack-tp4548p8122.html


You're absolutely right that we are outgrowing Gitter. It simply lacks the tools to manage multiple, busy conversations, which makes them hard to follow and even harder to catch up on what you missed.

The discussion on the table is to evaluate Zulip (https://zulipchat.com/). We like it because it is open source (https://github.com/zulip) and favored by a number of communities who have selected it. I'm looking for an analysis that would help us make the decision to switch to it.

I'm staunchly opposed to Slack. I've used it to participate in a number of communities and I just don't like it. The main problem I have with it is that unlike Gitter (and GitHub, etc), it partitions communities into different websites that require different accounts. I already have enough accounts. I don't need more. I also think it's too cluttered. While Gitter lacks some important functionality like quality threads, Slack seems to do too much. And it becomes a mess. Slack is also a walled garden with history limits that we'd likely hit over time. For me, Slack is a non-starter. I don't want to bring it into this community. I'm hopeful that Zulip will provide the space we are looking for.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 1:44 PM abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Wondering how this has fared after 4 years.
Gitter is good enough but hasn't added much to the table. And lately that the activity in Gitter has been growing, I miss many Slack features like "proper" threaded conversations or being able to add an emoji answer to a comment. The latest seems silly but it's a great way to say things like "I see that", "you are right", "same as X person" without adding lines to the conversation.

Note I am biased since I use Slack for work and other communities, in my computers and phone.

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Dan Allen (he, him, his) | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux