Re: Image mapping in asciidoctor
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David Jencks on
Jul 24, 2020; 4:37pm
Thank you.
I don’t think there are any facilities for doing this now, but I have been working on something that I think is related. asciidoctor-kroki is an extension that sends ascii diagram descriptions in various formats to a rendering server and adds the result to your document. Many diagram types have facilities for including links from generated svg images. I’ve been working to add a ‘kref’ syntax in the diagrams that will translate from an asciidoc-friendly format (xrefs) to the diagram specific syntax. My project (
asciidoctor-kroki) is currently javascript only, so it wouldn’t work with regular asciidoctor-pdf but should work with asciidoctor-web-pdf.
How were you planning to specify the image and which parts have links? I only know how to make this work with svg images.
On Jul 24, 2020, at 9:22 AM, vidya srivatsan [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
I want to create an overview chapter and then provide an image with different blocks within it.
Each of these blocks will have the name of the chapters or section headings with links to those chapters. When I click on any one of those section heading within those block it should lead me to the relevant section.
I know i can use cross reference link but this kind of image mapping is visually appealing and nice to have feature when you see the output in asciidoc PDF output.