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jekyll, asciidoctor and latex how to?

Posted by benibilme on Mar 26, 2020; 12:30am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/jekyll-asciidoctor-and-latex-how-to-tp7792.html


I am newbie. I have settled in jekyll in for my new web site...One of the main reasons for selection of jekyll is the support of asciidoctor even though support is via plugin not natively.

Some of my posts will include math..How can I embed latex in asciidoc...I have seen configurations of markdown with mathjax and ketex but not with asciidoc.

I have seen asciidoctor-latex, but it has not been update in years, but also I am not use if it is usable
within jekyll.

Any help much appreciated.
