Posted by
Stefan_Salewski on
Mar 08, 2020; 8:44pm
What I mean is, that I do not want to type `cd /tmp` but [.userinput]#cd /tmp#
Or, for new or important text, I want to be able to type [.important]#important remark#.
So I can modify display later in CSS without touching the text document itself, and it is easier to remember style tags or to search for them.
I had used that much in my LaTeX documents and discovered recently that it is supported in AsciiDoctor too. I learned that from I can have style.css
@import "/home/stefan/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory/stylesheets/riak.css";
/* */
.userinput{font-family: monospace, monospace;color:#000; font-size:80%;}
.monospace{font-family: monospace, monospace;color:#000; background-color: #EEE; font-size:70%;}
.important{color: #000; background-color:#FF0}
.new{color: #000; background-color:#FF0}
.dim{font-style: italic}
:stylesheet: style.css
== Test
Some `monospaced` text.
Some [red]#red# text.
== Semantic markup
He said: [.quote]#Hello#
Our unit of length is 1 [.dim]#mm#
This is a very [.important]#important remark# -- maybe displayed large or with red color.
Type [.userinput]#cd /tmp# followed by [.userinput]#compile test.c#
which gives bad. But some questions remain:
Is there a way to map for example .userinput exactly to the default style resulting from ``? Or have I always to define it completely new? And can I define a quote style that puts quotation marks or similar characters around a text, so that He said: [.quote]#Hello# results in He said: "Hello". And finally a simple basic question, why do I have in the CSS file "font-family: monospace, monospace;" this is monospace twice. I guess I copied that from somewhere, and it seems to make a difference.