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Re: Include URI content

Posted by Alexander Schwartz on Mar 07, 2020; 12:21pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Include-URI-content-tp7721p7730.html

I've tried this in the the PyCharm IDE and the Antora error message you saw was an error in the plugin. It was showing even when you're not using Antora.

I've opened issue https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-intellij-plugin/issues/417 to follow up on this.

Release 0.30.41 of the plugin will be available later today to fix this issue.

In order have the include rendered in the preview, go to "Settings | Languages & Frameworks | AsciiDoc | Attributes" and add the attribute with he key "allow-uri-read". The "Apply" button will activate once you leave the focus of the attribute editing window.

As long as you don't add the attribute, the include will be shown as a link instead.

Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@gmx.net)