Re: How can I convert relative image paths to absolute paths when I convert asciidoctor to html5?
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David Jencks on
Feb 16, 2020; 6:16am
That’s a nice idea! Do you have emacs understanding asciidoc? Until recently I was using emacs exclusively for asciidoc, but without any syntax help.
I don’t know how to make asciidoctor generate absolute paths, but i wonder if you could symlink your imagedir to the appropriate relative location to where the preview is?
David Jencks
On Feb 15, 2020, at 9:29 PM, egalitarian [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
This is what I currently do in emacs.
(bind-key "C-x c"
(lambda ()
(call-process "asciidoctor" nil nil nil
"-a" "data-uri" "-o" "/tmp/adoc-preview.html"
(bind-key "C-x p"
(lambda ()
(call-process "qutebrowser" nil 0 nil
C-x c is mapped to converting the current file into /tmp/adoc-preview.html with data-uri.
C-x p executes "qutebrowser /tmp/adoc-preview.html".
If data-uri can be omitted, conversion would become faster. This is used for semi-automatic live preview.