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Re: Asciidoctor.js Editor (Chrome App)

Posted by ggrossetie on Oct 08, 2013; 7:23pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-js-Editor-Chrome-App-tp730p764.html

mojavelinux wrote
You might be interested in StackEdit, which was just announced today. It's an open source, browser-based editor for Markdown. It uses ACE for the editor pane and PageDown for the preview pane. It may be a good reference point or perhaps a good foundation on which to build the AsciiDoc editor
Wow nice tool... but I'm sure we can build a better one for AsciiDoc :)

mojavelinux wrote
I think it's a great idea to explore both options and let the best choice emerge.
The ace editor is really great, easy to embedded and the API is nice. I will push a raw version as soon as possible, so we can start tracking issues.

- Guillaume.