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Re: S1000D

Posted by kibukj on Feb 07, 2020; 7:30pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/S1000D-tp6676p7604.html

Lopsotronic, thank you! I'm flattered you think it's impressive.

I've started a very bare-minimum Asciidoctor converter for S1000D:
Not much is handled yet, but I think this will at least be a better approach than the Asciidoc -> Docbook -> S1000D pipeline I've used in the past.

However, as Lopsotronic pointed out, the next step would be an extension to Asciidoc, since there are many things that don't necessarily map to Docbook/Asciidoc elements. The base Asciidoc syntax will probably only accommodate most of the descriptive (descript.xsd) and some of the procedural (proced.xsd) S1000D schemas.

Personally, I think my focus will still be on writing in XML, but I like the idea of "Ascii1000D".