Re: quotes in source block PDF output
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Feb 07, 2020; 6:44am
In Asciidoctor PDF, you cannot use subs on a source block (when the source-highlighter attribute is also set). You can use it on a listing or literal block, but not a source block. The way syntax / source highlighting in done in the PDF converter is fundamentally incompatible with the subs processing. I have yet to find a way around this limitation.
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 11:28 PM dustypomerleau [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello - Thanks to everyone who has made Asciidoc possible. I'm really enjoying this way of writing.
I enlarged and bolded a portion of a source block, but I can't seem to escape it properly for Asciidoctor-PDF:
[source, sh, subs = "specialchars, quotes"]
normal code
[.big]*large and bold code*
normal code
No problems with HTML output, but in Asciidoctor-PDF output it passes the resulting HTML straight through:
normal code
<strong class="big">large and bold code</strong>
normal code
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks,