deterrent installation experience
Posted by Ralf Jahns on Jan 24, 2020; 7:45pm
if you hack together a little script and decide to make it public, you can probably expect that other curious hackers have installed the interpreter or are willing to spend the effort to do it.
But if you want to ship a nice product, I would expect a "native" installer for the target system. This means a windows installer for windows and something that installs by typing "sudo apt-get install" for linux. I would happily (not really) add a ppa to get the latest version. A debian package or appimage would also be O.K..
I must admit that I'm no big fan of scripting languages and don't really understand that python venv/pip and ruby rvm/gem stuff but instead of installing a compiler by himself, the develper forces all his users to set up a complicated runtime environment.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn' too complicated or time consuming but nevertheless not ideal.
Just my 2 cents