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Re: Asciidoctor.js Editor (Chrome App)

Posted by mojavelinux on Oct 08, 2013; 12:04am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-js-Editor-Chrome-App-tp730p748.html

One feature that came to mind that could really set this editor apart is template shortcuts. Most people think about making buttons to insert markup like a section title or image. But we should think about our IDEs.

Do you click a button to make a for loop or try/catch block? More likely you use an autocomplete template or, even simpler, a key combination.

It would be great to have these templates in the online editor. That way, your fingers stay on the keyboard and keep writing.


On Oct 7, 2013 5:58 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

I think it's a great idea to explore both options and let the best choice emerge.

My understanding is that Ace is a great editor, as it's used on several of the online IDEs. It has decent support for AsciiDoc syntax highlighting in the editor part already. I think we could use Asciidoctor.js to make that part better in addition to using it for the preview pane.

You're well on the way to an online & offline editor with nothing more than the browser. So exciting!


On Oct 6, 2013 6:44 AM, "ggrossetie [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm starting to work on an Asciidoctor editor based on the great work of @asotobu : http://www.lordofthejars.com/2013/07/asciidoc-editor-with-markitup.html.

Unfortunately, I'm having trouble integrating the Markitup code into a Chrome App primarily because of the Content Security Policy : http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy.html. The Markitup code uses eval function and "Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest".

The rendering part is really easy thanks to Asciidoctor.js so I was thinking, why not using http://ace.c9.io/ as editor and just add a preview frame ?

There is already a Chrome Extension that integrates Ace editor to create a text editor, so I guess this will be pretty easy : https://github.com/tylerlong/slim_text

What do you think ?

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