Re: table width
Posted by
wolandscat on
Dec 14, 2019; 3:33pm
This default seems to have changed when I upgraded to Asciidoctor 2. The previous version rendered like in this doc: - the first table you see at the time (Doc Id block). A diff of the HTML shows this:
<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all spread"> // ORIGINAL
<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all stretch"> // Asciidoctor 2
Now it renders the table with autowidth cols, and on the left. Ideally I would have cols to accommodate the content and the table centred in the content area. I can find no way to do that - [cols="1,1",width=100%] doesn't work; neither does [align="center"], which the documentation says is not implemented, and [%autowidth.stretch] doesn't work either.
I even tried faking it by embedding this table in another one with invisible grid / frame, but to no avail.
How do I either get my table centered (1st preference) or stretched full-width (when it has limited contents)?