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Re: counter Problems with images and plantuml / table of figures problems with images and plantuml

Posted by Alexander Schwartz on Nov 20, 2019; 9:36pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/counter-Problems-with-images-and-plantuml-tp7320p7363.html

I've given it a try with the following versions and I got it working as far as I can see.

Please note that this updates several dependencies, including the asciidoctorj-Version



For the input of

:desc-image1: description image 1
[id="image1",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]

:desc-plantuml: description plantuml
[id="plantuml",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]

:desc-image2: description image 2
[id="image2",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]

<<image1>> <<plantuml>> <<image2>>

It produces as expected:

Figure 1. description image 1
Figure 2. description plantuml
Figure 3. description image 2

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Please note that you can define the :xrefstyle: short to get short references like you used without specifying the reftext manually. See https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#customizing-the-cross-reference-text for details.
Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@gmx.net)