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Re: How do I augment the ToC?

Posted by Alexander Schwartz on Nov 11, 2019; 9:07am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/How-do-I-augment-the-ToC-tp7219p7348.html

Maybe you want to look at static site generators that also accept AsciiDoc. They usually create a ToC from a file structure.

I never used it, but Jekyll-AsciiDoc might get you part of the way: https://github.com/asciidoctor/jekyll-asciidoc

Depending on the type of site you plan to prepare, Antora might be something for you: https://antora.org/

As an example of Antora creating a ToC you can have a look at its own documentation:
* Website with ToC: https://docs.antora.org/antora/2.2/install/windows-requirements/
* File structure in GitLab: https://gitlab.com/antora/antora/blob/master/docs/modules/install/pages/windows-requirements.adoc

Cheers, Alexander
Alexander Schwartz (alexander.schwartz@gmx.net)