counter Problems with images and plantuml
Posted by Hendrik Timmermann on Nov 05, 2019; 8:28am
Hello , i work with maven
Assign image captions in extension #165 or #164 #169 (issue in asciidoctor diagramm) seem to be similar?
the following situation:
:desc-image1: description image 1
[id="image1",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]
:desc-plantuml: description plantuml
[id="plantuml",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]
.{figure-caption} {figures}: {desc-plantuml}
:desc-image2: description image 2
[id="image2",reftext="{figure-caption} {counter:figures}"]
please observe, I added {figure-caption} {figures}:
with this a have two problems (The images are correct!):
1) a wrong numbering of the image2 in the text (html and pdf)
Figure 2: description image 2 expected Figure 3: description image 2
2) The Caption and the number is not generated automatically at plantuml . Why?
Figure 1: description image 1
description plantuml expected Figure 2: description plantuml
Figure 2: description image 2 expected Figure 3: description image 2
is the problem located in line 609 of parser.rb the reason in 2.0.0.RC1?
Is the increment of the counter in plantuml not considered in images?