Re: Upgrading Asciidoctor.js to the latest version of Asciidoctor
Posted by
ggrossetie on
Oct 06, 2013; 3:43pm
I have a strange behavior with a quite simple Ruby code:
RUBY_ENGINE = 'unknown' unless defined? RUBY_ENGINE
This code compiles in Javascript as :
if (($a = ($scope.RUBY_ENGINE != null)) === false || $a === nil) {
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE = "unknown"
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL = $scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']("opal");
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE_JRUBY = $scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']("jruby");
I added console.log because $scope.RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL was false :
console.log("$scope.RUBY_ENGINE: '" + $scope.RUBY_ENGINE + "'");
console.log("$scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']: " + $scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']);
console.log("$scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$=='](\"opal\"): " + ($scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']("opal")));
Output :
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE: 'opal'
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']: function (other) {
var self = this;
return self === other;
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE['$==']("opal"): false
Just to be sure, I modified the Javascript code to :
$scope.RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL = $scope.RUBY_ENGINE === "opal";
And its works, $scope.RUBY_ENGINE_OPAL is now true...
strange no ?